Hospitality businesses – A guide to operating during Covid-19 and beyond

There is no doubt that it will be a challenging time for food service businesses that are reopening as they will need to maintain strict health & safety measures to keep their workers safe. Some of these measures include physical distancing between workers, recording who is working together, limiting interaction between groups of workers, disinfecting surfaces, and maintaining a high level of hygiene standards.
Here is a helpful resource along with some personal protection tips to help hospitality businesses navigate their way around the strict health & safety measures during Alert Level 3.
Covid-19 Hospitality Hub
The Covid-19 Hospitality Hub from the Restaurant Assoc. of NZ . This hub has a bundle of resources and updates for hospitality providers to help manage health & safety through Covid-19 and beyond.
PP Gear – Disposable Face Masks, Gloves, Beard Protectors, Hats

When it comes to keeping workers safe, the most simple step that can be implemented while preparing food is making sure all staff wear disposable PP gear including face masks, gloves, beard protectors and hats.
PP Gear – Disposable Face Masks
Ensure disposable face masks (not reusable masks) are worn by workers at all times. Bastion triple layer disposable face masks provide over 95% bacterial filtration efficiency when it comes to reducing airborne droplet dispersal from coughing, sneezing and speaking.
PP Gear – Disposable Gloves
Ensure disposable gloves are used for food safety. Specify staff to be task-specific when preparing ready-to-eat foods to reduce the need for changing gloves when tasks change.
Gloves need to be changed regularly and hands must be washed between glove changes and when they are removed. Gloves allow bacteria to build up on the surface of hands, so handwashing is important when they are removed to avoid contamination of food. If workers touch anything that someone else might have touched or touched their face, then those gloves need to be thrown away and a new pair put on.
PP Gear – Disposable Hats and Beard Protectors
It is strongly recommended that hats and beard masks are worn, where appropriate, to avoid cross contamination and eliminating any transfer of hair, skin and body fluids.
Get advice from our Personal Protection Specialists
If you would like advice on the right disposable personal protection gear to maximise health & safety standards and to keep your workers safe, contact the Bastion team for product advice at [email protected].
We have a wide range of disposable gloves, beard protectors, hats and facemasks suitable for food service providers.
Browse our full range of disposable PP gear by clicking here.